Technical Help

Enter No. of Sequences to be Analyzed:       
1. Sequence (5' to 3')
Type: *Only Linear Length: bp
Base Annotations:
DNA = A, T, G, C or [dA], [dT], [dG], [dC]
Base Degeneracies = B, D, H, K, M, N, R, S, V, W, Y or [dB], [dD], [dH], [dK], [dM], [dN], [dR], [dS], [dV], [dW], [dY]
LNA® = [+A], [+T], [+G], [+C]
Phosphorothioated (S-Oligo) DNA Base = prefix the base with an asterisk "*" (e.g. *A, *G)
DNA Sequence with RNA Base = place the RNA base within brackets [rX]
RNA = A, C, G, U or [rA], [rG], [rC], [rU] (begin sequence with an "r" as the prefix followed by the sequence, e.g. rACGU, or select Type as RNA)
Phosphorothioated RNA = *A, *G, *C, *U
2'O-Methyl RNA = [mA], [mG], [mC], [mU]
Phosphorothioated 2'O-Methyl RNA = [mA]*, [mG]*, [mC]*, [mU]*. Use [rX] for standard RNA and [dX] for standard DNA bases.
RNA Sequence with DNA Base = place the DNA base within brackets [dX]
Analysis Options
Oligo Concentration
Monovalent Ion Concentration
Free Mg++ Ion Concentration
Total Na[+] Equivalent
Temperature for Free Energy Calculation
Note: Reaction conditions affect primer dimer and hairpin searches only.
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